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Pets and Thunderstorms

Jun 20, 2023

Helping Your furry friends Through Thunderstorms

For many pet owners, the arrival of a thunderstorm can be a source of concern and worry. The booming thunder, brilliant flashes of lightning, and the crackling charge in the air can unsettle our furry friends, leaving them trembling, anxious, and seeking refuge. As responsible caretakers, it's our duty to understand the impact these storms can have on our pets and provide them with the support they need to weather the tempest with calmness and confidence.


In this blog, we will explore the fascinating relationship between pets and thunderstorms, uncover the reasons behind their anxiety, and offer practical strategies to help our beloved companions navigate these electrifying events. Whether you have a loyal canine companion, a curious feline friend, or maybe a bunny bestie, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to create a secure and soothing environment during the most thunderous of storms.


We'll delve into the extraordinary sensory abilities of our pets, examining how their acute hearing and sensitivity to changes in atmospheric pressure allow them to perceive the approaching storm long before the first rumble of thunder reaches our own ears. By understanding how pets experience thunderstorms, we can empathize with their fears and address their needs accordingly.


Discovering the signs that your pet may display during a thunderstorm will be our next step. From restlessness and alertness to seeking shelter and changes in behaviour, recognizing these cues will enable us to respond with compassion and provide the necessary measures to alleviate their anxiety.

Armed with this knowledge, we'll explore a range of practical strategies and techniques to help comfort and protect our furry friends during thunderstorms. From creating a secure safe haven within our homes to utilizing sound-masking techniques and exploring anxiety-reducing products, we'll guide you through the array of options available to offer solace to your pet.


Lastly, we'll emphasize the importance of patience, understanding, and seeking professional advice when needed. While each pet is unique, and their response to thunderstorms may differ, this blog aims to equip you with a foundation of understanding and a toolkit of practical solutions to ensure that your pet feels safe and supported during even the most daunting of thunderstorms.


So, join us as we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of pets and thunderstorms, providing a calming influence in the face of nature's powerful symphony. Together, we can create an environment where our beloved companions can find solace, secure in the knowledge that they are not alone in their fear, and that we are here to help them weather the storm with love and care.

5 steps to help your pets during a thunderstorm

1.  Create a Safe Space: Set up a designated safe area where your pets can seek refuge during the storm. This space should be indoors and preferably away from windows to minimize exposure to lightning flashes and loud sounds. Provide comfortable bedding, familiar toys, and access to water to keep them calm and hydrated.

2.  Create White Noise: Background noise, such as a fan, television, or soothing music, can help mask the sound of thunder. The continuous sound can provide a sense of comfort and distract pets from the storm. Classical music or specially designed pet relaxation music can have a calming effect.

White Noise Machine

This compact machine offers 20 Soothing Natural Sounds, including the sound of rushing air.

The Rohm+ effectively cancels out noises that may disturb or distract. You can Recharge with the included USB-C cable and with a battery that lasts longer than the original Rohm, you will always have white noise with you anywhere.

– Click to buy & read more

1.  Stay Calm and Provide Reassurance: Remain calm during the storm to help your pets feel secure. Pets can sense their owners' emotions, so displaying a calm demeanour and speaking in soothing tones can provide reassurance. Avoid rewarding fearful behaviour, as this may reinforce their anxiety.

2.  Provide Distractions and Positive Associations: Engage your pets in activities they enjoy distracting them from the storm. Play their favourite games, offer interactive toys, or use treats to keep them engaged and focused on positive experiences. Creating positive associations with thunderstorms can help alleviate fear over time.

3.  Use Calming Techniques: Consider using natural calming aids, such as pheromone diffusers or sprays specifically designed for pets. These products release synthetic pheromones that mimic the calming scents produced by mother animals, helping to reduce anxiety. Consult with your veterinarian about appropriate options for your specific pet.


This Beaphar Rabbit Comfort Calming Starter Kit includes Diffuser Plug-in and Refill.

It is developed to reduce Anxiety and stress in through natural messages called pheromones. The Rabbit Appeasing Pheromone (RAP) is naturally produced by the doe when she nurses her kits.

This provides a continuous and reassuring message to let them know that this is a safe and calm area for them to be in.

– Click to buy & read more


This ADAPTIL Calm Home Diffuser comes with 30 Day Refill.

To comfort your dog in stressful situation it contains a synthetic copy of the 'dog appeasing pheromone' which a mother naturally releases to calm and reassure her litter  - It has the same effect on adult dogs. 

– Click to buy & read more


This FELIWAY Optimum diffuser and 30 day refill, is a scentless and Species-specific.

It has no effect on humans or other pets it is widely considered as the best solution to ease cat anxiety, cat conflict and stress in the home

– Click to buy & read more

Bonus Tip: Ensure Identification and Safety Measures: During thunderstorms, pets may become frightened and attempt to escape. Ensure that your pets are wearing identification tags with up-to-date contact information. Additionally, microchipping your pets can increase the chances of a safe return if they do manage to escape. Keep doors, windows, and fences secure to prevent accidental escapes during storms.


Remember, every pet is unique, and it may take time to find the most effective strategies for your furry friends. By providing a safe environment, offering reassurance, and implementing calming techniques, you can help your pets feel more secure and comfortable during thunderstorms.

does thunder frighten pets?

Yes, thunder can frighten pets, including cats, dogs, and other animals. The loud noise, sudden bursts of thunderclaps, and vibrations caused by the booming sound can startle and scare pets. Like humans, pets can also have varying degrees of sensitivity to loud noises, including thunder.


Pets may exhibit signs of fear or anxiety during a thunderstorm. They might seek hiding spots, pace, pant excessively, tremble, whine, bark, meow, or display other behaviours indicating their distress. Some pets may even try to escape or become destructive due to their fear response.


It's important to recognize and address your pet's fear of thunder to help them feel safe and secure during storms. Creating a calming environment, providing a safe space, using pheromone diffusers, and offering reassurance through calm and soothing behaviour can help alleviate their anxiety.


If your pet's fear of thunder becomes severe or significantly affects their well-being, it's advisable to consult with a veterinarian or a professional animal behaviourist. They can provide further guidance, behaviour modification techniques, or, in some cases, medication options to help manage your pet's fear during thunderstorms.


Remember, each pet is unique, and their reactions to thunderstorms may vary. By understanding their needs and providing appropriate support, you can help your pet feel more comfortable and secure during stormy weather.

can pets sense that thunder is coming?

Yes, some pets can often sense the approach of thunderstorms before they occur. They have heightened senses that allow them to detect changes in atmospheric pressure, humidity, and even electromagnetic fields. These sensitivities enable them to pick up on the early signs that a thunderstorm is on its way.


Pets may exhibit behaviours that indicate their awareness of an impending thunderstorm. They may become restless, show signs of unease, or exhibit increased alertness. Some pets may even seek out sheltered areas or display anxious behaviours before the storm arrives.


In addition to atmospheric changes, pets can also detect the distant sounds of thunder that humans may not perceive. Their acute hearing allows them to pick up on low-frequency rumbles or changes in the intensity of sounds, signalling the approach of a storm.


It's important to note that while many pets can sense the approach of thunderstorms, their reactions can vary. Some pets may become anxious or fearful, while others may show curiosity or remain relatively unaffected. Each pet has its own unique personality and sensitivities.


Being aware of your pet's sensitivity to thunderstorms can help you anticipate their needs and provide support during these times. Creating a safe and comforting environment, offering reassurance, and using calming techniques can help alleviate your pet's anxiety and make them feel more secure when they sense a thunderstorm is coming.

Thank you for reading this post. We hope that you found it helpful and hope to you visit this page again soon. For more information, fun facts and cute photos, please follow us on social media. 🐰

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